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Help us serve future cadets. . .Remember the Academy in your will or trust.

Help us serve future cadets. . .Remember the Academy in your will or trust.
  • Lyn (South) Sherlock '82
  • 3,200 hours in six trainer and mobility aircraft
  • 29 years' service
  • Retired as Brigadier General in 2011
  • Married to Rick Sherlock, Major General, US Army (Ret); daughter Heather
  • Active in the non-profit sector
  • Ohio native, now living in Virginia
  • Polaris Society member since 2012
  • Legacy gift will help USAFA priorities

Says Lyn on her decision to make a future gift to support the Academy: "I'm pleased and proud to arrange for this bequest to help the Academy provide cadets with an outstanding education and training experience, just as I received to prepare for my Air Force career, and life beyond."

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways to leave a lasting legacy at the Air Force Academy. In addition to helping to secure an exceptional future for cadets who will join you on the long blue line, a bequest to the USAFA Endowment may also lessen the tax burden on your family and estate. For information and assistance, contact Dale Zschoche at 719-472-2059 or email him at [email protected].

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